KABY Albany. SW Georgia Regional. Eagles of America. 8/2024. (229) 434-8787
KAMG Alma. Bacon County. Camping on airport. 8/2024. (912) 632-7915
KACJ Americus-Jimmy Carter Regional Airport Car is available at Southern Field Aviation. 2/2023. (229) 924-2813
KAHN Athens/Ben Epps Airport -Athens Flight Center. 8/2024. (706) 613-3420
KPDK Atlanta Dekalb-Peachtree Airport. Aero Center. 8/2024. (770)458-9851
Atlantic. 8/2024. (770) 454-5000 Cafe on the field. Downwind restaurant. 8/2024. (770) 452-0973
KFTY Atlanta Fulton Co. Brown Field. (404) 691-3330 Hill Aircraft has three crew cars that are available to any GA pilot for free for up to 2hrs. 8/2024.
Or Signature. 2 hour limit. 8/2024. (404) 443-0231 Negative AirNav comments from 5/2023: “There is no landing fee, but there is a Infrastructure Fee of $7.00 and a Handling Fee of $47.00 which can be waived if you purchase 10 gal of fuel @ about $3-4 above the average cost elsewhere. That was for a small 2 seat aircraft.”
KAGS Augusta Bush Field. 3 cars available. 8/2024. (706) 798-2656
KDNL Augusta Daniel Field at Augusta Aviation. 8/2024. (706) 733 8970
KBGE Bainbridge-Decatur County Industrial Air Park. Doug says they have 2 cars, and you can take it overnight if needed. 8/2024. (229) 248-2103
KBHC Baxley Municipal Airport. Derrick says a courtesy Ford passenger van is available. 8/2024. (912) 367-3232
KSSI Brunswick-McKinnon St Simons Island Airport Odyssey Aviation. 8/2024. (912) 638-8617 Derrick says: “Southern Soul BBQ” on St. Simons Island, GA, is a very popular and highly rated restaurant that is popular with tourists and fly-in pilots. Not situated right on the field, but within an easy half-mile walk and right off the end of the runway.” 8/2024. Cafe near field. (912)638-7685
KCZL Calhoun, Davis Field. Jim says: “Two cars. Dwight, the airport manager, was super friendly, and I enjoyed chatting with him. Nice FBO, cheap self-service gas with a nice easy-to-use pump. Several restaurant choices are within a few minutes drive. Updated 1/2024. (706) 602-8000
18A Canon. Franklin County Airport. Roy says: ” It’s a real country airport which is often unattended. The office is available to pilots, and it’s fully stocked with snacks, a weather computer, and a sleep room. Honor system on everything. I wish the rest of society could follow suit. 8/2024. (706)245-1002
KCNI Canton. Cherokee Co. S&S Aviation. 8/2024. (678) 454-2090 Negative AirNav Comments from 2/2024: “This airport mainly caters to business jets. The avgas fuel pump is a third of a mile from the FBO, so this means you refuel and need to restart the engine and taxi all the way to the parking area. No use of a courtesy car overnight or if the FBO is closed. It looks like it’s a 24-hour operation but no. You can’t enter afterhours either. If I didn’t have family nearby I would have had to fly to another airport.” AND: “I don’t appreciate landing and finding prices at $5.69 vs the advertised $5.36. Update your info please.”
KVPC Cartersville Airport. They have a Honda Civic, Accord and mini van. 8/2024. (770) 382-9800
KCTJ Carrolton West Georgia Regional Airport-O V Gray Field. Ben says 3 cars and good BBQ just to the north. 4/2024 (770) 834-0061
KCSG Columbus Airport. Flight ways Columbus. 8/2024. (706) 324-2453
16J Dawson Municipal Airport. James says an old Crown Vic is available. 9/2022. (229) 995-3787
KDQH Douglas Municipal Airport. 8/2024. They have a Chevy Impala, available business hours only, M-F, 8-5. (912) 384-1409

KFZG. Fitzgerald Municipal Airport. Forest reports: “Chrysler minivan courtesy car. FBO open M-F 8:00 to 17:00. (229)426-5071
KLHW Fort Stewart (Hinesville). Midcoast Regional Airport. 8/2024. (912) 877-4359
KCPP . Greensboro. Greene Co Regional. Spirit Aviation. 8/2024. (706) 453-2715
6A2 Griffin-Spalding County Airport. 8/2024. (770) 227-2928
KAZE Hazlehurst Airport. Dodge Caravan and a Chevy Impala available. 8/2024. (912) 375-9222
KJZP Jasper, Pickens Co Airport. Gary says ” KJZP has a courtesy car. Award-winning Bub Ba Q within 5 minutes.” 8/2024. (706) 253-8830
KJCA Jefferson. Jackson County Airport. 8/2024. (706) 367-1493
KJES Jesup-Wayne County Airport. Derrick says a Buick is available at SutAir Flying Service. 8/2024. (912)427-5949
KLGC LaGrange-Callaway Airport. Andrew says a Ford Escape is available overnight if possible. 1/2022 (706) 884-2121
KLZU Lawrenceville. Gwinnett County Airport-Briscoe Field. Sheltair. 8/2024. (678)-373-2700 Cafe on field The Flying Machine 8/2024. (770) 962-2262
D73 Monroe-Walton County Airport. Larry says Monroe has added 2 nice cars. Fair Weather Flights. 8/2024. (770) 267-2343

KPXE Perry-Houston County Airport. Richard writes, “3 cars are available, there are no user fees, but buy fuel as a courtesy.” 2/2024 (478) 987-3713
KPIM Pine Mountain-Harris County Airport. Brad says: ” It appears that the Airport has two cars. I usually don’t like to take crew cars for several hours, but the manager insisted that it was fine and that he didn’t expect anyone else to come in needing it.”10/2023 (706) 663-2083

KRVJ Reidsville-Swinton Smith Field. 8/2024. (912) 682-9635
KRMG Rome. Russell Airport. 8/2024. (706) 295-7835
KSAV Savannah-Hilton Head International Airport. 9/2021. Joe says there is a mini-van available at Sheltair. 912-965-0095 Signature. “Courtesy Transportation”. 8/2024. (912) 964-1557
KSSI. St Simons Island Airport. Jim says: “VERY nice FBO with excellent service. Nice hotel right next door to FBO gives a big discount to pilots. 3 crew cars. We used the older Toyota van a couple of times as we were stuck there for a bit. Also, a couple SUV’s. Beautiful town with lots of restaurants. I heard the BBQ restaurant just down the street is excellent, but we didn’t make it there. Odyssey Aviation. 8/2024. (912) 638-8617
KSBO Swainsboro. East Georgia Regional Airport. AirStar Flight Support. “Courtesy Transportation.” 8/2024. (478) 237-5882
KOPN Thomaston. Upson Co. They have 3 “clean” Ford Expeditions. 8/2024. (706) 647-4500
KTVI Thomasville Regional. “We have 3 (and sometimes up to 5) nice crew cars to use. The city owns and operates the Airport, so the crew cars are all Ford Crown Vics or SUVs and are in excellent and CLEAN condition. YA’LL come!” 8/2024. (229) 225-4313
KTOC Toccoa Airport. RG Letourneau Field. Crew car is available at Toccoa Aviation. 9/2023. (706) 886-1320
KVDI Vidalia Regional Airport . A user reports 2 cars are available with a fantastic terminal and pilots lounge. 8/2024. (912) 537-3979
KAYS Waycross-Ware County Airport. They have a Ford Expedition and Taurus, and newer cars are on the way. 8/2024. (912) 287-4400
If you see an error, please tell us. Have a picture of a car? Send it in!
Please tell the FBO you found their car here, on A.C.C’s!